Friday, November 2, 2007


Well, it's been a while now since I last wrote on this blog, and that's mostly because, outside of the classroom, my brain is scarcely functioning. A bit of an exaggeration, I realise, but I certainly haven't had sufficient brain-function to write anything particularly interesting or incisive (assuming, of course, that what I write here usually is interesting and incisive!). If I'm not marking, or preparing lessons for the next day, I'm eating, or sleeping. That, or engaged in something incredibly mindless, like playing Spider Solitaire on my computer, or trying to achieve the next level of SuperPoke.

A friend of mine who is doing her Honours year at Uni this year responded to my claims of being "braindead" by saying that she was feeling the same way, and said how sad it was that currently both the educators and the educated were braindead. She has a good point. It's that time of year, I suppose, when all involved in education wish they were somewhere else, doing something that doesn't require thinking.

Now the Melbourne Cup long weekend looms, and, much as I disapprove of the races in general, I'm incredibly thankful that they give me four days off. Hopefully we can all recharge a little bit, and go in next week with enough fuel to take us through to the end of term.

And maybe I'll regain the brain capacity to write something more interesting on my blog. Assuming I ever had the capacity in the first place.

1 comment:

essie said...

poor matt.
it think you're doing remarkably well to have come this far with so much of your sanity intact. i had dinner with a couple of the girls i taught with as first years last year, and we were reminiscing about how loopy we went at the end of every week - talking shit and feeling drunk just because we got to the weekend alive.