Come like the long-awaited wind
Sweeping over wheat-fields and hay,
The coolness of an evening kept too long in the wings
Of a wilting, overheated day.
Come like the breeze,
Come with surprises in these pockets of wind.
Come as the change
In our day’s bored direction.
Come and rearrange.
Let your wind be our re-maker.
Come like the rising waters on our parched, cracked soil.
Come like the hope of the reservoirs,
The heaven’s drenching, torrent gift.
Come like lightning, come with the skyboards
Quaking in thunderous rapture.
Come like the heralds of the air proclaim.
Come like swift-falling storm waters.
Our brittle, broken earth needs you.
Come with majesty! Come with sudden glory
Such as rainbow-gazing Noah never saw.
Come with olive-branch promises.
Come with justice.
Come with hope.
Come, fully You; no muted impersonation.
Come crowned, the sun your halo,
The galaxies your sceptre,
The vast universe no frame for your endless expanse.
Come to our vision; come burst it open
And give eyes to see
Your earth-defying, sense-exploding
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