Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's book spine poem time...

Having recently declared my own leave of absence from this blog, I am now breaking the "temporary silence" I decreed in honour of my friend Erin, who got me onto this fun little thing to do when you feel like doing something, you know, fun.

Winter indoor activity #1: Book spine poetry
(Please forgive the name, Erin. I realise it isn't winter where you are. But it seems just the sort of thing that Melburnians should lap up when stuck inside in the cold.)

The rules are simple.
  • Create a book spine poem (examples here).
  • Take a picture.
  • Post it on your blog.
  • Link back to this post.
  • Tag another blogger, or two, or ten.
I have to admit, I'm not exactly sure which other bloggers to tag, since I do a fair amount of my blogging in a vacuum, unaware of the blogosphere that I inhabit. So I tag all of you who read this post and have a blog. Make your own. It's fun, and was a wonderful way to start the day.

What fascinated me most about the exercise was the psychological side to it. I'm sure there could be studies done on it to identify what subconscious traits are brought to the fore in this kind of exercise. Somehow, constrained though much of it had to be (book titles had to be somehow related, and I personally rejected too many single-word titles), I ended up with a poem about the troubles of Christian perseverance, a subject almost always in my mind and often in my own writing. How odd. I'm sure there's a PhD study in this somewhere...

1 comment:

EJK said...

I'm sure there are vast amounts of psychological clues in here! I'm honoured to have these dedicated to me. Nicely done :)